It’s important to have a close relationship with your customers. In the second installment of my video series “Serving up Digital,” my friend, Andrea Zulian, API Product Manager at Swisscom, was on hand to assist me to cook up “Pasta alla Gricia,” as well as talk digital business is a people business.
Digital business is a people business
Andrea says that the “Validation of the problem-solution fit is the first step.” We don’t mess around when they get together to cook up pasta and discuss digital!
People before brands is the name of the game! Let’s cut to the chase, digital is about culture. With digital transformation comes cultural transformation, as well as social.
Like any system (see diagram), four aspects are necessary for any living system:
- individual
- organizations
- groups
- families

Let’s leverage digital
In order to leverage digital, having these four pillars in place are the necessary quadrants to take digital to the next level. They are the essential piece of the pie for digital transformation.
As a digital transformation Catalyst, my colleagues and I are steering a new approach to drive success for digital transformation. Our goal is to educate and eradicate old mindsets. This includes old behaviors and communication patterns, as well as the culture to bring about success for organizations. Jumpstart your digital transformation with Axway’s Catalysts.
By steering the course to change their culture and old ways within an organization, we are able to recommend new technologies and an approach to bring this initiative forward.
“Do you really know your customers? IF not figure it out!” NOW! Kay lummitsch
By having organized teams that work peer-to-peer in small self-organized groups, you have the collective foundation for a multi-brain decision set with a bigger pool of knowledge. Working in a team setting brings about better decision making and digital transformation, not top-down.
Why is it so important?
Massive arguments can arise, but you have to have a complete consensus to stay friends at the end of the day to find a proper solution to work for your organization.
Catalysts’ goal
As Catalysts, our goal is to drive thought leadership and accelerate workshops to help organizations make better decisions for their organizations. The Catalysts teach companies how to run their organizations successfully using APIs and help you avoid expensive and frustrating mistakes.
Kay’s philosophy on the interaction between technology and personal relationships
Personal relationships are the most underestimated ingredient. The digital business is a people business and successful digital business teams are super passionate. People think digitalization leads to a depletion of personal relationships, yet the opposite is true. Personal relationships, friendships and family-like working environments are the key ingredients to overcoming all the obstacles on your digital transformation journey. The secret ingredient is love and passion! Keep digital products as simple as possible to the #MAX.
In case you missed episode one, watch “Heat Up Your Digital Transformation.”
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