
Axway AMPLIFY™ Central Order Signing

My team: White Glove Treatment, submitted our hack called “Central Order Signing” as a part of the recently completed Axway Hackathon 2020.

It meets the increased need for a controlled substance ordering due to COVID-19. When respirators are used in care, they require sedatives, painkillers and paralytics for patient comfort—all of which are controlled by the US Drug Enforcement Agency.

With such high demand, we deliver a solution that enables hospitals, clinics, retail pharmacies, and doctors to submit orders via API to a centrally managed office with a group of “Central Signers.” These signers have been given Power of Attorney to sign on behalf of the ordering point and can react to heightened demand.

Axway AMPLIFY™ Central Signing Provides the Following Key Benefits:

  • Reduced workload
  • Rapid delivery of orders
    • Reduced “stock-outs” increasing sales
    • Improved customer service
  • Improved, reporting and traceability
    • Critical in regulated industries
  • Easily integrate with workflow and analytics

To do this, we used Axway AMPLFY™ Application Integration, Axway AMPLIFY™ API Management,  and Axway AMPLIFY™ B2B Integration. Read more about AMPLIFY Central here.

The team created a simple JavaScript UI to support the flow. Before submitting we did a design review session with a major US pharmacy chain to validate our solution resulting in a new sales opportunity!

We also provided significant financial ROI based upon our typical target-market customers.

Check out our project video for a quick run through the solution!