For the second year in a row, Axway is happy to sponsor the Grands Prix de l’Accélération Digitale 2020 (The 2020 Digital Acceleration Awards) for BFM Business — the predominant business television channel in France. It’s a great opportunity for Axway to reward and promote innovative projects. Supporting companies in their digital transformation and providing expertise is Axway’s true DNA.
Grands Prix de l’Accélération Digitale 2020
This event focuses on the best digital acceleration practices for large companies. By awarding “ambition, innovation, and daring for the most beautiful transformation projects,” the event offers a unique path for success in digital advancement.
Don’t miss the opportunity to share with your peer your innovative project! The contest is geared towards all large companies which seek to showcase their teams who are on the fast-track to modernize and transform their enterprises.
After the selection phase, Awards for best digital transformation projects will be presented at a gala dinner at the Ritz in Paris on October 7, 2020.
Return on 2019 Grand Prize:
2019 Business Model Transformation and Retail Category winner
Last year, Casino was the winner of the prestigious prize in the Business Model Transformation category, for the ScaleMax project (Cloud Computing). Casino won as well to prize in the Retail Category, for the Casino Max application.
ScaleMax: With the ScaleMax project, Casino was able to optimize their locations with Cloud computing activity, greener, and more economic. Additionally, it gave Casino the opportunity to sell their Cloud Computing capacity to other companies.
Casino Max: Back in 2017, the Casino Max application started to provide customers of its Casino brands with a fresh way for digital shopping.
With a simplified and personalized app, the customer journey is unified. Further perks such as the loyalty card, Scan & Go, mobile payments, as well as offers tailor-made for personalization are provided. The Casino Max application is state-of-the-art and user friendly.
How the Digital Acceleration Awards benefits Casino
Martin Calmels, Transformation and Innovation Director of Casino Group stated, “For many years, the Casino group has been transforming its business model, with, for example, the acquisition of Cdiscount in the early 2000s, the launch of subsidiaries: Energy with GreenYellow and Data with relevanC. ScaleMax is part of this strategy which aims to create the growth drivers of tomorrow.
“Participation in the 2019 Digital Acceleration Awards has enabled the Casino group to promote and raise awareness of this strategy while benefiting from high visibility among many decision makers and the BFM Business audience.” Martin Calmels
Following their victory, the Grand Prix provided many benefits to the organization. For Casino, ScaleMax was contacted by many prospects who wanted to discover its green, economic, and sovereign computing power offer.
Why Axway and BFM?
Axway’s mission seeks to advise companies to move in the right direction with their innovation projects for seamless digital transformation. By promoting the co-creation of new digital services, Axway provides digital capacities that help companies gain a competitive edge.
This year, Axway is proud to sponsor this exceptional opportunity once again.
Register today for the 2020 Digital Acceleration Awards 2020.
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