EDI and B2B Integration Axway B2B Integration Sentinel

What you need to know about B2B integration monitoring

Axway’s B2B integration platform provides your company with strong capabilities to easily go forward and manage partners, along with provisioning endpoints for greater flexibility for your customers.

B2Bi delivers a trading-partner relationship model and advanced mappings capabilities which are managed through an easy-to-use UI service. With B2Bi, three levels of B2Bi Monitoring interfaces are present: Message Tracker, Message Log and Sentinel.

Message Tracker

Message Tracker is the primary tool for tracking traditional messages, which allows for greater tracking and visibility. Further, you can search for messages, view in greater detail, along with payloads for reprocessing, search flows and open files.

Thanks in part to message details, your company gets in-depth monitoring, B2B client (system manager), as well as having the ability to establish secure connections.

Message Logs

Message logs allow your company to view and manage logs of integration. They are used to view detailed integration patterns for your enterprise.

Further, your company can use REST APIs to manage flows and assist with onboarding, document tracking, partner configuration and certificate management. These skill-sets bring greater abilities through B2Bi.

See also: Solve modern business challenges with API EDI integration


Sentinel brings an end-to-end monitoring solution, event acquisition, and repository to your company. With Sentinel, your enterprise can monitor transmissions and transaction processes. Additionally, your company can document the level of visibility and security needed to track files.

With real-time visibility and monitoring, this proficiency contributes to search files, web dashboards and reporting. Your company is also offered integration and monitoring which allows for greater B2B integration. Mail alerts can also be configured with Sentinel.

In the following excerpt from a recent demo, Atul Thombare shows how B2Bi gives you comprehensive visibility of EDI transactions.



Discover more B2B integration use cases with Axway B2B Integration


With Active/Active setup, B2Bi can run in an Active/Active setup modus, wherein case of failure of a node, the second node takes over. A cluster composed of two active nodes includes scalability (horizontal) add/remove nodes. Scalability (vertical) multiple processing engines. Further, automatic failover provides for automatic continuation, along with deployment (configuration, maps) to all nodes. B2Bi DMZ Node functionality: B2Bi supports DMZ Node functionality as an integrated part of the solution.

Thanks to B2Bi’s added value and capabilities, your company gets an all-in-one B2B integration product web-based GUI, built-in active-active, APIs to provision partner/flows definition, partner management that helps rationalize/standardize integrations, along with a move to a strategic product which provides security and compliance.

B2Bi provides hybrid cloud and on-premises B2B offerings, visibility and operational intelligence, B2B vision and future roadmap and ease-of-use learning curve.

See also: Moving B2B transactions to the cloud? EDI experts have you covered.

Governance processes

B2Bi has built-in detailed technical and business monitoring with a complete set of tools: Reports, web dashboard, alerting and end to end monitoring.

With Axway’s B2B integration platform offering, you have business connections that move your enterprise to the next level, along with allocation chains that provide a higher B2Bi solution. Need support? Discover and learn more with the Axway Community.

Learn more about how B2Bi helps reinforce your core EDI business and capture new API and cloud opportunities.