Axway Catalyst and Digital Journeyman, Kay Lummitsch presented an API Program Ramp-up Workshop at southern Sweden’s biggest food processing and packaging industry company. At the event, Kay’s conversation with Jörgen Nilsson, revealed many exciting key points on digital API innovation.
Digital API Innovation
Axway recently started the workshops, and it excites us to learn Jörgen’s point of view on the presentation and information that took place. As Jörgen stated, “The style is energizing and inspiring — and, of course, new to the organization. I appreciated how the agenda was built up.”
With Kay’s exemplary presentation skills as a renowned speaker and now a catalyst for Axway, Kay pumped a vast amount of information to the attendees to keep them engaged. The afternoon breakout sessions helped the industry attendees keep the participants on track.
READ MORE: Learn more about how APIs and HIP are a successful strategy.
A sound and global API strategy are crucial to success; Kay drove this point home. He also emphasized the importance of having a singular vision in order to execute that strategy. According to Jörgen, “it was good that we all came to the same vision.”
Having a can-do attitude is another key takeaway from the workshop. “For me, it’s not about the milestones. I’m a person who acts – I don’t wait – I’m a doer,” said Jörgen. “We showcased some value-adding products spread it throughout the organization and take it from there.”
Kay’s sound vision is clear and effective: to trigger change companies need to disrupt the organization with a comprehensive digital API strategy.
When the event concluded, Kay invited people to meet a high-performing API-Tribe in Zurich — and, as a treat, shared a little fish from Sweden called Surstrømming for a tasty dish.

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