APIs and healthcare work hand in hand these days. Across the world, APIs are being utilized in the healthcare industry to work at optimum levels and provide patient information and advocacy, as a result, saving you time and money. Read about APIs and B2B integration here.
APIs and healthcare
According to ehrintelligence.com, “innovators continue to tout the potential of widespread API use in healthcare.” This enables data exchange and an operation’s feasibility. Therefore, the beauty of APIs in healthcare is that now they are commonplace. Technology is more advanced now when you visit the hospital or a doctor. Patients now have swift access to data, which in turn, helps them have better control over your healthcare. By being an informed patient, you can make better choices for your healthcare solutions.
Doctors are now able to take information to the next level thanks to APIs. With state-of-the-art user interfaces, as well as analytics at a doctor’s disposal, they can provide information to the patient in real time. With such platforms at healthcare facilities, they can create better patient experiences.
Better data resources are now available thanks to APIs and healthcare partnerships. According to Medcitynews.com, “As APIs become available for accessing and handling the data previously stuck and siloed in EMRs, the cost and complexity of launching have been drastically reduced.”
Examples of APIs in healthcare
Some examples of uses of public APIs in healthcare that are available to the patient, along with the millions at your fingertips in Google Play, are:
BlueButton: Thanks to this service in the United States, a patient can now have access to their own records online. This allows you to keep on top of your healthcare. Further, you can check reports for inaccuracy, so you are able to correct it. This technology didn’t exist until recently. In the past, you only relied on paperwork from doctors and staff.
Human API: This app enables you to connect and share–in real time–medical records, pharmacies, labs and health data.
BetterDoctor API: This app allows you to access provider data hub via an API. Further, it provides data on providers and practices.
TrueVault: Acts as a Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) platform. This app is designed to deliver HIPAA compliant information storage for healthcare applications, which helps you to not worry about security issues.
SwiftRX™: This is a medication cost-saving database that offers datasets on prescriptions. This allows you to search and have access to the best solution for your health needs.
The list never ends, but APIs and healthcare are the waves of the future for patient advocacy and health.
Read all about accelerating APIs in healthcare and mobile technology here.
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