
Product update: changes to Application Development Services – Appcelerator

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Titanium SDK End-of-Support

Over the past decade, the Titanium SDK has enabled JavaScript developers to build mobile applications that deliver native user experiences on Android, iOS, and Windows devices.

Axway is very proud of the Titanium community’s innovations and success, and we have determined that it’s the right time to turn the open-source project over to you.

Axway is announcing End-of-Support for the Titanium SDK effective March 1, 2022. Applications developed with the SDK will continue to function after that date unless Apple or Google introduce changes to their respective operating systems that break the SDK version used to build the application.

We are committed to helping you make a smooth transition to the platform of your choice. Here are the steps we are taking to prepare for End-of-Support:

  • Private repositories essential for the use of Titanium SDK will be made publicly available in a separate GitHub organization.
  • We are thankful for the years of community developer contributions and welcome the participation of those who want to continue with the code base’s transition and stewardship. During the next few months, we will work with the Titanium SDK project contributors to transfer ownership rights, documentation, build systems, and other information to ensure continuity of the open-source project. Developers are also encouraged to fork the Titanium SDK repository and build a custom SDK that will suit their requirements. For more information on developer engagement, please contact our developer evangelists through the Titanium Slack channel.
  • Customers can use the services from freelance developers in the Titanium SDK community to maintain or enhance Titanium applications.
  • Axway partner Anexinet is available to support customers who want their applications re-developed in one of the many alternative options or to provide continuous support and maintenance of Titanium applications.

Axway Mobile Backend Services

Mobile Backend Services offered by Axway and primarily used with Titanium applications will be discontinued effective September 1, 2022. Customers have several options to move backend services to another platform:

  • Replace Axway Mobile Backend Services with an alternative like Firebase, Azure, or other free services.
  • Engage Anexinet to transition to an alternative mobile backend platform.
  • Develop a custom backend for your requirements.

Pro and Cloud subscriptions with online billing

Effective March 1, 2021, platform services including Runtime services, Mobile Backend Services, Analytics, and Application Development Pro subscriptions will no longer be available for online purchase for new customers.

Current subscriptions can be renewed with these entitlements until the end-of-support dates — March 1, 2022, for Titanium SDK Pro subscription, Mobile Analytics, and September 1, 2022, for Mobile Backend Services. Runtime services and API Builder remain available from Axway through direct sales.

Next steps

  1. Check with your IT teams to determine the impact on your business and make any required transition plans.
  2. If you have questions, please create a case through the support portal ( or contact us through the chat interface in
  3. If you would like to connect with Anexinet, please email

For details related to the end of support for Titanium and End-of-Support for Axway Mobile Back-end Services, see below.

Titanium SDK End-of-Support and Appcelerator End-of-Support milestones

March 1, 2021End of new sales of Appcelerator portfolio
March 1,2022· Applications developed with the SDK will continue to function after this date unless Apple or Google introduces changes that break the SDK version used by the application. End of Support for Titanium SDK from Axway.

· Complete transition of open-source project repository control rights to community members.

· Enable access to CLI and SDK tools without a platform account.

· End of Support – Mobile Analytics, Crash Analytics, App Preview, Appcelerator Studio, Dashboard for Mobile Apps in

September 1, 2022End of Support – Mobile Backend Services
Current Subscriptions can be renewed with an expiration date by March 1, 2022.



Will my Titanium application fail after the End-of-Support date?

It depends on the backend services you are using. Titanium applications that do not use Axway’s mobile backend services will continue to function as long as the Apple and Google operating systems do not introduce a breaking change to the SDK version used by the application and force an update to your application.

Titanium applications that use Axway Mobile Backend Services will fail after the End-of-Support date – September 1, 2022. We highly recommend users move their mobile backend services to a different platform before then.

What is the last official SDK release version from Axway?

Version 10.0 is the last major version with enhancements released by Axway. There are no plans to release a major version of the SDK in 2022. During 2021, Axway will release minor versions of the SDK with bug fixes to address critical issues. These minor version releases will not include any major enhancements.

Am I forced to rewrite the application if I don’t plan to add new features?

No. Applications developed with Titanium SDK require a rewrite only if a change introduced by Apple or Google will break the SDK version used by the application.

Will I have access to the analytics data stored on the platform?

Yes, until March 1, 2022, through the Dashboard. If you are on an enterprise plan and need access to the data, please submit a support request through to export your application’s analytics data by December 1, 2021.

Will l be able to use the SDK without a platform account, or is there anything that would prevent me from using the current version of the CLI or IDE tools after the End-of-Support date?

A version of the Titanium CLI that eliminates the need for users to log in to the platform, will be made available on March 1,2022. After the End-of-Support date, customers will be able to use the Titanium CLI without a platform account.

Appcelerator Studio will be discontinued. Developers can use alternatives like VS Code or Atom plugin for Titanium along with the Titanium CLI version without a platform account. Application builds in a continuous integration setup should be modified to use Titanium CLI.

What happens to my platform account after End-of-Support? Will I require one if I am creating my own builds of the SDK after the End-of-Support date?

Developers will not require a platform account to use the SDK after the End-of-Support date. All App Developer user accounts will be deleted from the platform after the End-of-Support date. Application builds should use the Titanium CLI instead of the Appc CLI.

Can I cancel my subscription before it expires and request a refund?

From March 1, 2021, Pro and Cloud subscriptions can be canceled online and users will be able to delete their accounts as part of the cancellation. If you are a customer with online billing, please visit to cancel your subscription and receive a refund.

For all other paid subscriptions, please contact:

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