Road work has become a daily problem in Paris. Every day, construction is just about everywhere. While the end goal may be a noble pursuit, city dwellers are tired of the constant noise and pollution. Parisians require more effective ways to reduce the construction periods of all these intrusions.
Thanks to the efforts of Axway and a powerhouse team (Evesa, Enedis, Leonard, VINCI’s innovation platform and the City of Paris), for challenge four, they partnered with the startup GOTMI to solve this growing problem.
GOTMI: What exactly is it?
GOTMI.IO is a platform for assistance in the collaboration of infrastructure works and civil engineering. It works as a collective program that permits project owners to present their work projects. This allows for a detailed algorithm that compares data that is in the database. It provides coordination answers from a detailed report that allows GOTMI to enable an overview of reducing construction times in Paris.
Further, in collaboration with the City of Paris which set up their own platform, CITE, which coordinates and centralizes information, they looked for a tool to process all this information to further along the work of the road managers to reduce the impact and the nuisance for Parisians. GOTMI answers this call!
“GOTMI was born from an experiment by the METIS office for augmented reality studies specializing in project management and spatial planning assistance. GOTMI’s objective is to bring together local players around common projects. For this experiment, we use the data stored in CITE to identify high-potential projects.” Vincent Robert, Chief Executive Officer—GOTMI.IO
For this to happen, GOTMI’s algorithms carry out multi-criteria analysis in order to highlight the most relevant projects. Once they are identified, GOTMI offers an interface where site managers can contact their counterparts. Their ambition is to revolutionize the coordinating of network infrastructures and construction site by offering design support solutions but also as well as decision-making support.
“Today there are more than 6,000 ongoing construction sites in Paris each month.” Patrick Pigache, Secrétariat Général, Démarche Data-Ville De Paris
The real challenge lies in increasing efficiency all around so that people in the city can live a more stress-free life. After all, do we really want to wake up to the sound of construction? No! The real impact is in the results.
“For us, Parisian service suppliers, this challenge and this application have two main interests. The first one is to increase our operational efficiency by reducing the time we spend on public space and by reducing our impact on the ground. The second one is a direct consequence of the first: we will reduce the nuisance for residents. Why? Because we will make better and less use of public space,” says Catherine Michelin, Directrice de l’Ingénierie et du Développement—CPCU. The link between the various service providers to increase the delivery of common projects on the public domain is essential.
“For any public service space, GOTMI as a tool is that it adds real value to the CITE tool,” Estibaliz Gonzalez-Ferrer, Directrice Technique et de l’Ingénierie—CLIMESPACE
READ MORE: Read all about challenge three and how Wintics provided real-time results.
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