API Management

Why you need separate API policies


What are API policies and why do you need to keep them separate? API policies are solid proficiencies within an API system that allows the issuer to adjust their performance schedule of an API through configuration. These policies function as an element which creates a limited function. This provides an extra layer such as security. So why bother keeping API policies separate?

API policies—independence day

It’s important to realize that when you expose your API services, you make them easier to manage. Why? Because policy administration depends on who is utilizing the API—pure and simple. When you keep your API policies separate, you ensure control over their performance and delivery. Independence is key to your API policies’ welfare and future deployment. Further, it’s important to modernize your API strategy. This helps keep your APIs streamlined so you won’t get bogged down in the minutia of over-exposing your APIs. Since there are so many APIs in the world, it can be overwhelming, yet having a separate policy in place makes for a more unified structure to have full-on control over your system.

Different API policies

API policies are not just one concept. There are many variations. Let’s start with “traffic management.” With this policy, you can enable and impose portions of your API policies. This, in turn, can help keep possible attacks from happening. When it comes to “security policies,” you have the option to support verification and validation. This bodes well for keeping your API policies separate. There’s also a “mediation policy.” This type of policy allows you to control messages as they flow through APIs.

With so many types of API policies lurking around, it’s essential to keep your API policies separate. This allows for further control and accessibility for your overview. API policies should, in turn, be reusable to save money and time, which helps to avoid possible mistakes with implementation. By having a program in place like AMPLIFY API Management, you can be certain that your policy lifecycles are being managed separately and that they have the proper attention they deserve.

Check out this White Paper to learn more about separate API policies.