At our IMAGINE SUMMIT 2019 Americas event earlier this year, we announced a $5,000 donation to After-School All-Stars Orlando and their Summer of Dreams program for homeless youth. The organization’s after-school and summer programs include STEM-focused initiatives that were a perfect fit for our social impact initiatives of this year’s IMAGINE Summit in Orlando.
Read all about IMAGINE SUMMIT: Better Together.
Now that Summer of Dreams 2019 is in full swing, we wanted to share more exciting details about the event and give an update on the success of this year’s program.
Summer of Dreams: All about After-School All-Stars
About 11,000 children in Orange, Seminole and Osceola counties in Florida are considered homeless, often moving from shelters to motels and cars, and on the streets. And in the summer months, with the school year over, many of these youths no longer have access to free school lunch. That’s where Summer of Dreams comes in. The free, 10-week program for homeless students offers to bridge the gap during summer break.
- After-school All-stars Orlando Summer of Dreams 2019 kick-off
This year, the donations from Axway and many others provided support to about 1,000 students. This support includes enrichment, academics, mentoring, weekend meal packs and three field trips. To get a full sense of the impact below is a breakdown of the impact of last year’s After-School All-Stars Orlando’s Summer of Dreams program by the numbers.
IMAGINE SUMMIT is Axway’s customer event series where IT leaders come together to learn from their peers and industry experts giving keynotes, hands-on sessions and real-world demos on hybrid integration and content collaboration. It’s an opportunity to showcase how Axway, its customers and partners are “Better Together.”
Learn more about Axway’s IMAGINE SUMMIT.
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