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Finance DevOps: gain autonomy thanks to low-code /no-code tools

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In today’s fast-paced technological environment, corporate finance departments face significant challenges: keeping up with rapid market and regulatory changes and dealing with aging technology systems. The solution to these challenges may lie in a transformative approach: Finance DevOps.

Many enterprises struggle with complex IT systems, lengthy implementation times, and difficulty in meeting specific business needs.

By combining DevOps principles with the power of low-code/no-code platforms, Finance DevOps empowers finance professionals to gain autonomy, accelerate the implementation of new functionalities, and improve process efficiency and data quality – as well as time to market!

The emergence of citizen developers and low-code/no-code platforms

At the heart of this revolution is the emergence of “citizen developers” and the democratization of no-code and low-code platforms. But what does this mean in concrete terms?

Citizen developers are professionals who, without having received technical training in programming, are able to create applications and software solutions. They achieve this thanks to no-code and low-code platforms, which offer intuitive, visual interfaces to develop applications and interfaces.

This trend responds to a critical need for information systems agility and autonomy from traditional IT departments.

In the context of rapid and frequent change, waiting weeks or months for a functional software update is no longer a viable option.

Finance DevOps: what is it?

Finance DevOps is a collaborative approach that empowers finance teams to take ownership of their systems.

By providing them with the tools and skills they need, Finance DevOps enables them to develop and deploy applications more quickly and efficiently, without constant reliance on IT.

The main pillars of Finance DevOps are:

The aim of the DevOps approach is to eliminate the friction between the “Devs” who need to make changes and the “Ops” teams who manage the platform and prefer that it remain unchanged.

DevOps enables companies to deploy software updates more frequently and with fewer errors, while improving system stability.

The benefits of Finance DevOps

Cost reduction

Improving data quality

Increased agility

Autonomy of finance teams

The risk of shadow IT

It’s essential not to confuse Finance DevOps with Shadow IT. While the latter can result in fragmented, undocumented and unmaintainable solutions, Finance DevOps favors a controlled, integrated approach. By enabling finance teams to develop their own solutions while integrating them into the overall information system, Finance DevOps avoids the risks associated with Shadow IT and guarantees data consistency.

The main criteria for differentiating the Finance DevOps approach from Shadow IT are:

The AFAH solution: Finance DevOps in action

Axway Financial Accounting Hub streamlines and automates financial processes, making them more efficient and reliable. This allows finance teams to focus on strategic initiatives and deliver greater value to the business.

With AFAH, finance teams can automate, speed up and make more reliable their closing processes by:

Axway Financial Accounting Hub is unique in its ability to seamlessly integrate developments by finance teams into an automated process organized in collaboration with IT.

This ensures that the innovations developed by the finance teams fit seamlessly into the company’s overall technological ecosystem. The benefits are tangible:

Towards more agile and autonomous finance

Finance DevOps is more than just a technological evolution. It’s a paradigm shift in the way finance departments interact with technology and manage their processes.

By giving finance teams the tools they need to become active players in their own digital transformation, Finance DevOps paves the way for a finance industry that is more agile, more responsive and better equipped to face tomorrow’s challenges.

However, this increased autonomy does not mean a total absence of control. On the contrary, it is part of a collaborative framework in which IT and finance work hand in hand to guarantee the security, compliance and coherence of information systems.

At a time when data is at the heart of all strategic decisions, Finance DevOps appears to be an essential lever for transforming finance departments into true strategic business partners, capable of innovating and adapting in real time to market challenges.

A solution like Axway Financial Accounting Hub gives finance professionals the means to take control of their information systems and become true players in the digital transformation.

Download the data sheet to learn more about Axway Financial Accounting Hub.

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