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Integration Builder – Manually Triggered Flow Example

Axway Integration Builder – Variable Persistence

In prior blog posts, we described how to trigger an Integration Builder flow from a Connector Event and from a Connector Request. In this blog post, we’ll describe how to trigger a flow manually.

Here’s what we’ll do in this post:


You’ll need access to the following, which are all available for free/trial:

Create a simple manually triggered flow and instance

We’re not going to create a meaningful flow in this blog post as we simply want to focus on the manual triggering of the flow. So, head on over to and select the Integration Builder tile and create a new flow:

Select the Integration Builder tile and create a new flow

Note: I named my flow Manual Trigger Test

Select Manual for the trigger type:

Integration Builder – Manually Triggered Flow Example

Note: You can ignore the notes about how to trigger the flow as we will do this through AMPLIFY Central

Add a JS Script step to the flow trigger with a console.log of the trigger as follows:

This will enable us to view what is passed to the flow when we manually trigger via the API call in AMPLIFY Central.

Create an instance of this flow. I called my Manual Trigger Test Instance.

See how the flow instance is exposed in AMPLIFY Central, API Proxy

Head over to AMPLIFY Central ( and select the Central tile) and find your flow instance in API Proxy.

Note: It is called Manual Trigger Test Instance sandbox_flow_394166 in my example above

Test out the flow by making a call to the API

Refer to AMPLIFY Central tutorials and videos for instructions on how to add security to the API and add it to the catalog. For now, we’ll just access the proxy API as is.

Before we test our API to manually trigger our flow, go back to Integration Builder, click the refresh icon and view the executions of your instance:

Now go back to AMPLIFY Central and click on your API Proxy:

Click Deploy (to Test Runtime):

Click on the Test Methods tab and enter some JSON object in the Body Parameters. You can enter anything you want. For example:

  "myString": "Hello World",
  "myNumber": 18,
  "myObject": {"fname": "Leor", "lname": "Brenman"},
  "myArray":  [1,2,3,4,5],
  "myBoolean": false

Click the Create button:

Head back over to the Flow Executions to see that it executed and view the console.log step:


In this blog post, we saw how to create a manually triggered Integration Builder flow example. This enables us to have the flow triggered when a POST is made to the flow instance API exposed in AMPLIFY Central.

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