Building a digital enterprise requires a strong partner and customer engagement model. Over the last few years, APIs have become the main digital channel for connecting partner and customer communities. As a result, a clear, easy, and developer-friendly place for exposing APIs internally and externally becomes one of the main attributes of a successful digital initiative. That’s where an API Marketplace comes into play (see also: marketplace or digital service marketplace, a more general term for exposing not only APIs but other assets). In this blog, I’d like to share a DevOps pipeline for Amplify Engage.
Amplify Engage
As a recognized API management industry leader, we at Axway understand the environment, the need, and the challenges of building an efficient API marketplace. That is why Axway introduced a brand new Amplify Platform that has been built from the ground up. The platform will help our customers accelerate and expand their digital programs. A key element of this platform is Amplify Engage.
Making it DevOps friendly
While creating a new asset or publishing a single product can be done using Web UI, for a large enterprise program with several thousand APIs, it is very difficult to do everything manually. That’s why Axway provides CLI and API options for Amplify – Axway CLI and Amplify API.
Using these tools, we built a GitHub Action to streamline the process of creating and publishing Products in Amplify Marketplace.
Watch this demo of Amplify Engage to learn how to unleash the power of secure APIs.
Project and its goals
The project takes on a simple approach: One Environment > One Asset > One Product. However, it could be enhanced to support more complex use cases. Thus, it is just a great starting point to accelerate your own Amplify Platform automation.
The project serves several important goals:
- Provide a great asset for running a quick proof-of-concept (POC)
- Serve as a good learning exercise for Axway CLI
- Help customers in building their DevOps pipelines
The project is available as a GitHub public repository. To try the project DevOps pipeline (a.k.a. GitHub Action), you will need an account on the Amplify API Management Platform (free trial here).
For a quick POC, you will be able to manually create a new environment and register any API by importing an OAS specification in Amplify Platform UI. But for a more realistic experience, you should have one of the supported API Gateways from Axway, Amazon, or Azure connected to Amplify Platform (see this documentation).
The project README file provides instructions on how to run this GitHub Action. Enjoy it and provide your feedback!
Discover a whole new kind of API marketplace with our interactive eBook.
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