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Artificial intelligence APIs, women’s roles in tech, and health data privacy – March 2023 Digital News Desk

March 2023 Digital News Desk | Artificial intelligence APIs, women’s growth in tech, and health data privacy

If it seems like all you hear about is ChatGPT these days, you would be right — and for good reason: OpenAI announced a new milestone this month in the race to monetize artificial intelligence. Also in March, new data released on International Women’s Day reveals a sobering trend, and governments around the world crack down on the selling of consumer health data.

March 2023 API news and digital transformation headlines

Watch the video below for the latest from the Axway Digital News Desk with Lydia Defranchi. Axway Catalyst Emmanuel Methivier also shares his insights into OpenAI’s latest move — and how their newest API changes things when it comes to monetizing and productizing artificial intelligence models.



Stories mentioned in the video


OpenAI shifts from AGI talk to ChatGPT API release, as developers cheer | VentureBeat

Microsoft brings OpenAI’s DALL-E image creator to the new Bing

OpenAI implements initial support for ChatGPT plugins


Axway Catalyst Emmanuel Methivier says "Open innovation boosted by AI will involve exposing an API, but not a technical API: a real digital product that can be consumed by all the developers in the world to boost their digital services. And once again, it is the marketing capacity to distribute this digital product that will make the difference."

Selling health data

Lawmakers Are Cracking Down on Companies Using Health Data for Advertising

La Cnil vigilante en 2023 sur les caméras IA, l’e-dossier patient et les apps mobiles

The Increasing Focus of the FTC on Digital Health and Data Brokers: What to Know

Data Brokers and the Sale of Americans’ Mental Health Data

Cerebral Admits That it Wrongly Shared Data of 3.1M Users

Women in Tech

The number of women in technical roles is dropping

Catch a preview of Axway’s Women in Tech series for Women’s History Month below, and read more about what we’re doing to increase gender parity in the workplace.


More reading

With just $2.2B in remaining liquidity, SVB’s parent company files for bankruptcy

3.1% of workers have pasted confidential company data into ChatGPT

What Will PSD3 Mean for Open Banking?

FBI IC3: Victims Racked Up $10.3B in Losses Tied to Internet Crime Last Year

White House Announces New National Cybersecurity Strategy

What is design thinking? | McKinsey

Fewer than 10% of IT organizations fully document their APIs

A Checklist for API Design Review: 25 Questions Concerning the Developer Experience (DX)


Le Digital News Desk en français

Regardez la vidéo ci-dessous pour les dernières infos du Digital News Desk avec Lydia Defranchi, présenté par Axway.

Emmanuel Methivier, Catalyst chez Axway, nous fait également part de son point de vue sur la dernière initiative d’OpenAI et sur la manière dont sa nouvelle API change la donne en matière de monétisation des modèles d’intelligence artificielle.



Axway Catalyst Emmanuel Methivier dit "L’innovation ouverte boostée par l’IA passera par l’exposition d’une API, mais pas une API technique ; un vrai produit digital qui pourra être consommé par tous les développeurs du monde pour booster leurs services digitaux. Et une fois de plus, c’est la capacité marketing à distribuer ce produit digital qui fera la différence. "


Rendez-vous le mois prochain pour d’autres titres du monde des APIs et de la transformation digitale.

Watch our Women in Tech series for perspectives on how to encourage even more women to join STEM-related fields.