Newsroom Banking & Finance

Reaffirming our commitment: why Axway’s acquisition of Sopra Banking Software is a win for our customers

Reaffirming our commitment: why Axway's acquisition of Sopra Banking Software is a win for our customers

As the Chief Product Officer at Axway, I want to directly address our valued customers, partners, and the broader market regarding our recent acquisition of Sopra Banking Software (SBS). We are incredibly excited to form a Group with SBS; however, some might use this to question our mission and priorities.

Let me take this opportunity to reassure you that our mission, strategy, and commitment to you, our customers, remain steadfast and unchanged.

A continued commitment to our mission

At Axway, our mission has been clear and unwavering for over twenty years: empowering our customers with secure, mission-critical software and services to successfully navigate and simplify their most complex business interactions.

This acquisition strengthens, rather than shifts, our ability to fulfill this mission.

We remain focused on equipping you with the tools and technologies you depend on to operate confidently, securely, and efficiently in an increasingly complex world.

Unwavering focus on strategy and priorities

While this acquisition brings exciting new opportunities, it does not divert us from our core objectives and priorities.

We continue to invest in our existing products, innovate to meet the evolving needs of our customers, and ensure that the Managed File Transfer (MFT), B2B Integration, API Management and Financial Accounting Hub and all our other products you rely on today will continue to be supported, enhanced, and integrated.

Building on a strong foundation

Axway and SBS are not strangers. We share a similar origin, and Axway’s products and technology have been integral to the SBS platform and technology stack for years.

This deep, long-standing relationship gives us a unique advantage as we move forward together. And if you are one of the many shared customers of Axway and SBS, you will see your solution value increase at an accelerating pace.

For instance, our API Management platform will continue to play a critical role in enabling seamless, secure integrations across financial ecosystems. Our MFT and B2Bi offerings will benefit from enhanced connectivity and interoperability, further streamlining business processes for financial institutions.

Additionally, we see opportunities around how AFAH could be leveraged within the broader Sopra Banking Software ecosystem and install base, potentially enhancing data-driven decision-making, financial reporting, and compliance capabilities to align with their customers’ needs.

Looking ahead

As we embark on this new chapter, I want to emphasize that our focus remains on you—our customers. We are excited about the opportunities for Axway, SBS, and you with this acquisition.

Together, we are stronger, more innovative, and better equipped to help you achieve your business goals.

Thank you for your continued trust and partnership. We are committed to your success and look forward to building the future together.

Read the press release for more details.