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Axway + Solace Part 4: Axway App Integration + Solace REST Client

This is my fourth blog post in the journey to integrate the Axway platform with Solace PubSub Event Broker to bring more value to our customers. In this post, I work with a preexisting third-party service, Service Now (SNow), that does not have Eventing built in. Using the Axway iPaaS, which we call our Integration Builder (IB), I enhance the third-party app to support Event-Driven Architecture through our Event Polling capabilities. Once Events have been created, I then use IB Flow Builder to integrate the third-party app with Solace.

Recently, Solace released a detailed blog post on the value of integrating an iPaaS and their Event Broker. I suggest taking a look to get started.

Currently, I plan for this to a five-part blog series covering the following topics:

  1. Getting Started with Solace’s REST Client
  2. Enhancing Legacy Messages – Axway API Gateway and Solace REST Client
  3. Enhancing Legacy Messages – Axway API Gateway and Solace JMS Client
  4. Integrating 3rd Party Cloud Apps – Axway Application Integration and Solace
  5. Evolving Request/Response APIs to Events – Axway Streams and Solace


In this post, we will connect to the Service Now REST APIs with the Axway iPaaS. We will use the iPaaS to Poll for new Incident Creation Events every minute on SNow. When new Incidents appear, the Axway iPaaS will have an Event Flow triggered, which will pass information about the Event to the Solace Event Broker to Publish for consumers Subscribed to the topic.


This post operates under the assumption you already know how to work with the Solace, Service Now and Axway Integration Builder. To start, set the Solace REST Client up to listen to a topic of your choice and create a Service Now Connector Instance in Axway IB.

Looking for a refresher? For detailed instructions on how to set up the steps not covered in this post, check out my previous blogs below:

Building the Flow

At this point, you should have your Solace REST Client configured, as well as the Service Now Connector Instance. From here, we just need to connect the two via a new Flow in Integration Builder.

Sample JS Script
let body = {“text”:'”‘+”Caller: “+trigger.body.message.raw.incidents[0].caller_id.display_value+” @ Impact: “+trigger.body.message.raw.incidents[0].impact+'”‘};
let headers = {
“authorization”:”Basic someBase64EncodedAuthToken”
done({body:body, headers:headers});

At this stage, you should have a flow that on new Incident creation in Service Now will create an Event within one minute that will post a message to the Solace message queue via the REST Client.

Demonstrate the Flow in Action

The next set of steps revolve around creating a new Incident in Service Now. This process is tracked in my Service Now and Slack integration devblog in the “Demonstrate the Flow in action” section (see Prereqs above).

At this point, every time a new Incident is created in Service Now, a message will be sent in near real-time to the Solace queue. Any applications that are needed to act on a new SNow event could be subscribed to this queue and act accordingly. The message could be extended to include the Incident ID, or even a full URL to the SNow API through Integration Builder to easily pull back all case info for any connected applications. This is the foundation of true Application Integration.


In this post, we showed how we could use Axway Integration Builder to add value to a third-party cloud application without Eventing built in to integrate with a topic of our choice in Solace using a reusable Flow. The same logic could be applied to any of the applications Integration Builder has Connectors for or any new systems for which we create connectors.

Thoughts on Improvements for Production Use

Read about Axway API Management and the Solace JMS Client.



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