Retail Axway B2B Integration SecureTransport Sentinel

Co-op: managing an ethical, integrated grocery supply chain with Axway 

Co-op: managing an ethical, integrated grocery supply chain with Axway

The number one convenience food retailer in the UK with more than 2,500 stores, Co-op is also one of the world’s largest consumer co-operatives, owned by millions of members. 

Because of its business model, Co-op’s members get a chance to have a say in how it is run and can give back to the communities where the stores operate. The group also has strong commitments to ethical, sustainable trade and human rights. 

Between upholding these values and moving food to its 2,500+ local, convenience and medium-sized stores, Co-op must manage complex supply chains – and they’re using Axway solutions to help them do so. 

“B2Bi is critical for the Co-op, especially in its retail organization,” says Dave Barnett, Principal Solutions Architect – Integration at Co-op. “If B2Bi went down or we turned it off tomorrow, we would have no businesses, it’s as simple as that.” 

In a new video, Barnett describes how they’re working to bring groceries to members across the UK while implementing a more composable business model for the future. 



With Axway B2B Integration, Co-op is able to support:

  • 500 individual flows
  • 3,000 end points
  • A million messages a day across the application

“The partnership with Axway is good, when we’ve worked together on the B2Bi 2.6 migration project, that has been a definite partnership,” says Barnett. “Both sides, I feel, have gained from that. We’ve helped Axway to form a path on how to deliver that technology, so it’s definitely a partnership.” 

Many thanks to Dave Barnett for sharing his thoughts with us, and here’s to continuing to work together towards a more composable ecosystem for the future. 

Learn how Axway’s B2B Integration platform helps businesses overcome these 6 challenges when navigating modern B2B integration.

This video mentions: Co-op, convenience food retailer, UK food retailer, Co-op stores, member-owned, integration, composable business, microservices, API-enabled microservices, B2B integration, MFT, APIs, Axway B2Bi, Axway Secure Transport, Sentinel, API Gateway, retail, inventory, route planning, supplier invoicing, integration space, integration products, partnership with Axway, B2Bi 2.6 migration, API enablement, API management platform, Amplify Integration. 


Key Takeaways

  • Co-op's Unique Model: Co-op, the leading convenience food retailer in the UK, operates as a consumer co-operative, allowing members to influence its operations and contribute to local communities. 
  • Commitment to Values: Co-op upholds strong commitments to ethical, sustainable trade and human rights while managing complex supply chains. 
  • Axway Integration Solutions: Co-op relies on Axway solutions, including B2Bi, Secure Transport, and API Gateway, to manage intricate supply chain flows, support retail functions, and process millions of daily messages. 
  • Composable Business Approach: Co-op aims to establish a composable business model with microservices and APIs, highlighting the significance of integration tools like Axway for seamless business operations and future growth.