IMAGINE SUMMIT is coming your way in March. Two historic events will take place, first in Orlando, Florida on March 4-6 which hosts an impressive lineup of speakers and in IMAGINE SUMMIT in Chantilly, France on March 21-22. Learn all about Axway’s remarkable Chantilly speaker lineup that will gather together to show you the way and learn new innovations in HIP.
Chantilly speakers lineup
On Thursday, many topics will be discussed in Chantilly at the IMAGINE SUMMIT Europe. Learning Labs will offer simultaneous sessions on topics such as “Managed File Transfer, using MFT APIs: What is available?” As well as “API Management improve the DevOps experience using Axway API Management to B2B integration.” The Chantilly speaker lineup includes Bernard Harquindeguy, CTO of Ping Identity. Bernard will be on hand to host a Learning Lab from 2 to 3 pm: “How can AI help secure your APIs.” Learn about a comprehensive approach to secure your APIs against attacks.
Axway’s CEO, Patrick Donovan and Roland Royer, Chief Customer Officer will also be in Chantilly with a Welcome Keynote speech. Later, from 5 to 5:45 pm at the Plenary Session, the “Hybrid integration platform: Can you be in business without one?” Axway is very pleased to welcome Keynote Gartner speaker, Massimo Pezzini, Distinguished VP Analyst from Gartner. Massimo brings his knowledge and expertise on all-things HIP to drive the message home how HIP provides great value to your company. Read more about Gartner’s take on “HIP, you can’t be in business without one” here.
Day two
On day two, at the Plenary Session from 9 to 9:30 am, Mehdi Medjaoui, author of API Continuous Management, Founder of APIdays Conference, will talk all about APIs in the enterprise: past, present and future.
From 10:45 to 11:15 am, Dimitrios Angelou, from Unisys will talk about deploying and running a large exchange on the Cloud in the global economy.
Further, Saïd Debbagh as a moderator with Nicolas Bizet, Enterprise Architect-ACOSS, Stéphane Ménozzi, API Platform Owner-RTE and Philipp Schwaab, Product Owner API Hub, Vice President Project Engineering Standards at Commerzbank will discuss API best practices and panel discussions. In this session, you will learn the best practices used by Commerzbank, RTE and ACOSS to implement successfully your APIs.
Joe Norman, Partner Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services, will be on hand to conduct AWS Global Accelerator: A new service for Axway customers. You will learn how to improve availability and access to your applications around the world.
From 11:15 to 11:45 am, Jean-Claude Bellando will moderate a panel discussing MFT Best practices with Christophe Bonnet, Founder at Adelius and Nguyen Doan Phuc Toan, Integration Architect at Sodexo.
Stéphane Goudeau, Cloud Architect at Microsoft and Thiébaut Riegel, Partner Business Development Manager at Microsoft will be on hand to talk about deploying for API Management on Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).
From 11:45 am to 12:15 pm, Innovation SMALS Story, Willem Salembier, SOA Architect, SMALS will bring the SMALS story home.
At the Hot Topics On-Boarding: Cut Costs, Time & Complexity, Patrick Guevara, Worldwide Principal Solution Architect and Presales, will speak about increasing business value by using AMPLIFY.
Later in the day
After lunch, from 1:15 to 1:45 pm, Reine Wester, Head of Integration Service, Phoenix Group, will be on hand to present IT, Modernization-Customer Story. Learn about empowering your company with AMPLIFY B2Bi.
Jeremy Segura, Business Architect, “Personal Finance as a Service”—BNP Paribas Personal Finance, will show you how to bring your partners on board in rapid time at the Innovation BNP Paribas Personal Finance story.
Innovation, APIs, Artificial Intelligence and process automation, lessons from Novartis, Pascal Bouquet, Senior Technologist and Enterprise Digital Architect and Praveen Kumar, Enterprise Technical Architect will talk about APIs and how Novartis utilizes them.
Of course, our Axway experts Saïd Debbagh, Yves Mahé, Vivek Mody, François Royer, Joël Depernet, JB Bentz, Jean-Claude Bellando and Laura Heritage will be in Chantilly to present a number of sessions to provide you with more valuable information on our product directions.
IMAGINE Summit in Chantilly promises to be a fantastic event. You will keep you glued to your seat while listening to thought-provoking speakers on all-things HIP.
Learn more about hybrid integration in the HIP resource library here.
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