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Using connectors to link Gitlab and Microsoft Teams

Using Connectors to link Gitlab and Microsoft Teams

Often when developing, I need to know who’s checking in what code and what changes are being made. At Axway, we use Microsoft Teams for communication and GitLab to store code in a repository.

How to link GitLab and Microsoft Teams

I wanted to combine these two things, so I get notified whenever changes are being made to our codebase. It’s an easy set up so here is how I did it.

Open GitLab in a browser

  1. Open Repo
  2. Go to Settings > Integrations
  3. Scroll down to Project Services and find “Microsoft Teams Notification.”
  4. Now switch over to teams. Leave the Gitlab window open in your browser.

Next, open Teams

  1. Create or find your Teams.
  2. Next to the team name look for the “…” and click on it.
  3. Select Connectors under the … menu.
  4. Search for “Incoming Webhooks” and click the “Add” button.
  5. Scroll to the bottom and click that “Add” Button.
  6. Give it a name and add an image then click “Create.”
  7. Scroll down to the URL field and copy it. Then, navigate back to GitLab and paste it into the Webhook field.

Back to GitLab

  1. Past the URL you just copied in the Webhook field and select all the checkboxes you wish to receive notification for.
  2. Select the “Activate” checkbox.
  3. Save Changes

That’s it! You now should see messages when you check in or change files.


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