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What are Streaming APIs?

Streaming APIs are used to read data in real-time from the web for consumers for precise, up-to-date results.

For example, they are typically used by social media platforms to deliver media content such as audio and data. Typically Social Networks tend to use WebSocket, which is a subset of Streaming APIS. They acquire the data from servers, which, in turn, make them accessible to software systems for data consumption.

Who uses Streaming APIs?

Numerous companies are using the technology to obtain their data in real-time. Facebook uses the technology to get real-time data changes that are subscribed to in your social graph. And Instagram is in the mix because they obtain their photo updates in real-time via Streaming APIs. This enhances the consumer’s user experience to the highest level.


The real relevance isn’t just about news or data in the financial arena. There are other relevant uses to be able to stream APIs.

Having spot-on, real-time delivery is a huge incentive for utilizing capabilities. Fast-track results help to expand the proficiencies for consumers. When you deliver real-time outcomes, a better customer experience is evident.

Further insights

To understand Streaming APIs, you need to know when to invest in the technology. Some basic questions should be addressed:

  • Do you know your data?
  • Does it change daily?
  • What is the average amount of consumed data?

By taking full account of your actual data usage, another layer is added to comprehending if you need Streaming APIs and whether you should invest to get the most out of its capabilities. Designing and implementing Streaming APIs differ from RESTful API because they are basically the opposite of RESTful. Streaming APIs are proactive by description and RESTful is stationary. This means that Streaming makes a request, and a reply is provided. Yet, RESTful contradicts this method. RESTful is a basic dialog of back and forth, where Streaming APIs send out updates to clients when events occur. Discover how joined the Axway family to further Streaming APIs and more.

What are your thoughts on Streaming APIs?

Want to learn more? Download the new API Streaming Landscape white paper today.

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