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Supporting iPhone X in Titanium

During their keynote on Tuesday, Apple presented their new flagship iPhone – called iPhone X – along with iPhone 8 and iPhone 8+. As the iPhone X has some significant differences from other iPhone models, here’s a quick heads-up, so developers can migrate their apps to support the iPhone X from its launch in early November.

iPhone X Changes

The primary changes in iPhone X that Titanium developers need to consider include:

  • New screen-sizes: 1125×2436 (Portrait) and 2436×1125 (Landscape)
  • Face-Detection API: Authenticate with your content via the Face ID API
  • Safe-Area layout-guides: Use specific layout-margins to describe the spacing between your content and the visible container of your screen


While we support iOS 11 with yesterday’s 6.2.0.GA release (including machine-learning, realtime-object-detection and augmented reality), we have also made a JIRA ticket to track changes specific to iPhone X that will be addressed in Titanium SDK 6.3.0 scheduled to release by end of September this year. The only required change will be the support for the new launch screens, which already has a pull request on Github to support. Also, developers using Storyboards will not have to update their apps, as they will adapt to the new screen-size automatically.


We are happy to say that we support iPhone X today with more improvements coming. Make sure to become familiar with the updated iOS Human Interface Guidelines and follow the related JIRA-tickets to stay updated about the progress. If you have any questions, also feel free to reach out to us via Twitter, StackOverflow or join our Slack community.

Here’s a look at the KitchenSink sample-app runnning on iOS 11 and iPhone X:

KitchenSink sample-app runnning on iOS 11 and iPhone X

Code Strong!

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