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The Potential Of Using Adobe I/O Event Webhooks To Collaborate

While learning more about the Adobe I/O Event world recently, we were impressed with the potential for collaboration around the Adobe software suite. Adobe I/O Events provide API and webhook access to a wealth of events that happen across Adobe software products that are taking advantage of the Adobe cloud. Allowing for seamless integration, and collaboration around the usage of Adobe products, and the creative design process teams employ to get their work done each day.

When you think about the possibilities for real-time events to occur across a team that is using the Adobe software suite, one can envision a pretty big opportunity for developing dashboards, and training machine learning models to look for patterns. The potential for tuning into signals being sent by a creative design team in real time, and seamlessly integrating them with an automated response system, or driving a visual dashboard is pretty compelling. Leveraging event-driven architecture to stay up to speed with, orchestrate, and visualize what groups are doing, while also augmenting their hard work with an array of automated jobs that can respond to specific events.

We use Adobe In-Design here at for our white paper publishing, and Photoshop for other graphic design work. One potential integration project we are considering would involve using Adobe I/O events to expose webhooks that can respond to specific events. Helping automate our workflow a little more by responding when new assets are created, maybe helping enrich and flesh out additional insights, assets, and facts that can be used across our white papers, and other creative projects. We are a small team, but there are still enough events to potentially tune into, and work with when it comes to collaborating via the Adobe software suite.

It’s interesting to watch a large software company like Adobe make the shift from desktop software to the cloud, and then also into the age of API, and event-driven applications. It shows they are paying attention to the direction that application development and delivery is headed, and understand how they are going to deliver the next generation of features for their consumers. We’ll see about adding an internal project for using Adobe I/O Events to automate our own creative project workflow, if nothing else we’ll continue to tune into what is possible with the platform, and how can augment the events occurring via the Adobe platform.

AI in Finance White paper - Adobe I/O Event Webhooks

**Original source: blog
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