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Feedly News And Streams Using

An interesting API we’ve been working with lately called the Feedly API (find it here) provides programmatic access to news and information that is aggregated via RSS feeds. Feedly was the number one service to replace Google Reader when they shut it down. It is a robust web-based application for managing RSS and Atom feeds, but also Twitter feeds in a single location, allowing you to quickly tag and organize updates from a variety of feed sources–any item tagged within Feedly, is then accessible via the Feedly API Streams path.

Once you have setup an account with Feedly, and obtained an OAuth token, you can then make a call the Feedly API Stream path proxied through using a simple cURL command:


curl -H "Authorization: OAuth {your_feedly_token}" -v "{your_feedly_stream_id}&X-Sd-Token={your_streamdata_token}&count=100"

Each an every tag in Feedly will have its own stream id, so as soon as an item is tagged in the Feedly web application, it is available to be pulled by via the Feedly API, and pushed using Server-Sent Events via the proxy to wherever it is needed. Streaming real time updates from across aggregated, and curated feeds feeds and Twitter sources. Opening up the possibilities for some interesting content curation and delivery scenarios, around common feed types like RSS, Atom, and Twitter.

Feedly API streams with streamdata.ioThe Feedly API opens up many other application possibilities when you  begin to think about using it to deliver a streaming, topic driven publish and subscribe environment. Despite what the tech blogosophere might say, RSS isn’t dead, with many valuable sources of news, press, documents, events, and other types of data available out there. Additionally, when you consider the added ability to pipe in Twitter account and hashtag search feeds to be curated, tagged, and streamed via different event channels, a pretty interesting, topic driven marketplace of curated content begins to emerge.

**Original source: blog
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