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List of Event API endpoints that Github Provides

Github provides some of the most relevant events that you can tune into when it comes to understanding what is happening across tech sector. The companies who are doing interesting and relevant things are often building them in a very public way on the social coding platform, realizing the network effects of Github, and the increase search engine presence your projects will enjoy when done out in the open. Rivaling Twitter, Github provides us with some of the most important signals for finding new APIs, as well as staying up to speed with what existing APIs are doing.

To help demonstrate what is possible, we wanted to highlight the list of event API endpoints that Github provides, allowing you to tune into the relevant events across what is happening across the increasingly busy GitHub platform:

– List public events – GET /events
– List repository events – GET /repos/:owner/:repo/events
– List issue events for a repository – GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/events
– List public events for a network of repositories – GET /networks/:owner/:repo/events
– List public events for an organization – GET /orgs/:org/events
– List events that a user has received – GET /users/:username/received_events
– List public events that a user has received – GET /users/:username/received_events/public
– List events performed by a user – GET /users/:username/events
– List public events performed by a user – GET /users/:username/events/public
– List events for an organization – GET /users/:username/events/orgs/:org

This list becomes increasingly relevant when you have curated, targeted lists of organizations, users, and repositories. Once you begin plugging in the organizations, users, and repos for the relevant activity you are wanting to tuen into you can turn on some pretty interesting streams of data about what they are working on, and how active each organization and user is. Depending on who you are tuning into this can yield some pretty relevant signals for the health of a company, as well as a business sector.

We use these APIs to understand which APIs are evolving and changing, and which have gone dormant. Not all API providers are active on Github, but when they are, we can use the Github API to develop a deeper understanding of what their team is up to. Allowing us to take the wealth of signals generated by Github, and turn them into relevant business insights about which APIs we should be tuning into, paying closer attention to, and referring to our customers who are looking for valuable API resources.

**Original source: blog
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