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Postman Collections For Each Xignite Global Currencies API

Postman Collections For Each Xignite Global Currencies APIFor each of the APIs we add to the API Gallery we prefer being able to run each API using the Postman development tool, making sure the API definition is 100% correct, and will actually return a response. Once we’ve profiled an API, or set of APIs, we export what is called a Postman Collection, which provides a machine readable definition that can be imported and executed within Postman in a single click. We recently were profiling and benchmarking the Global Currencies API provided by our partner Xignite. Xignite is a global leader in on-demand market data and wanted to publish the 21 separate API paths, and share with our customers, making the market data APIs easier to execute. Here are the name and descriptions of each API provided by Xignite, along with the Run in Postman button, which will load the API into the client for you.

List and Search

List Active Currencies – Returns currencies for which spot rate data is available. Currencies that are no longer active/valid are excluded from this list, though historical data might exist for such currencies.

List Currencies – Returns currencies for which spot and historical data is available, providing more currency market data as part of list and search.

List Official Rates – Returns a list of official cross rates available by country, providing more currency market data as part of list and search.

Real Time Spot Rates

Get All Real Time Rates – Returns every currency pairing for the requested base symbols. Limit 35 base symbols per request.

Get Real Time Rate – Returns a real time spot rate for a requested currency pair. Calculated rates are returned for currency pairs for which spot rate data is not available.

Get Real Time Rates – Returns real time spot rates for multiple currency pairs. Calculated rates are returned for currency pairs for which spot rate data is not available.

Get Real Time Rate Table – Returns rates for multiple currency pairs in a matrix structure.

Rate Conversions

Convert Historical Value – Converts an amount from one currency to another using the rate as of a specified historical date. Fixing time can be provided for rates that go back to 1/4/2010. Historical rates prior to 1/4/2010 are London midnight rates.

Convert Real Time Value – Converts an Amount from one currency to another using the real-time rate. If the real-time rate is not available for a currency pair (e.g. on a weekend), then the most recent available rate is used.

Historical Rates

Get Historical Rate – Returns the rate as of a specified historical date. Provides historical rates going back to 1/4/2010. Use GetLondonHistoricalRatesRange if you need rates prior to 1/4/2010.

Get Historical Rates – Returns rates for multiple currency pairs as of a specified historical date. Provides historical rates going back to 1/4/2010. Use GetLondonHistoricalRatesRange if you need rates prior to 1/4/2010.

Get Historical Rates Range – Returns historical rates for a currency pair within a specified date range. Provides historical rates going back to 1/4/2010. Use GetLondonHistoricalRatesRange if you need rates prior to 1/4/2010.

Get Historical Rates Ranges – Returns historical rates for multiple currency pairs within a specified date range. Provides historical rates going back to 1/4/2010. Use GetLondonHistoricalRatesRange if you need rates prior to 1/4/20

Get Latest Historical Rate – Returns the latest available rate as of a specified historical date. For dates and times where no quotes are available, the latest available rate prior to the requested date and with the same fixing time will be returned.

Get Latest Historical Rates – Returns the latest available rates for multiple currency pairs as of a specified historical date. For dates and times where no quotes are available, the latest available rate prior to the requested date and with the same fixing time will be returned.

Get London Historical RatesRange – Returns historical London mid-night rates for a specified date range. Rates are available starting 1/1/2000 for popular currency pairs.

Central Bank Official Rates

Get Official Historical Rate – Returns official central bank rates. Official cross rates are available for the following Countries

Get Official Historical Rates – Returns official central bank rates for multiple currencies. Official cross rates are available for the following Countries

Get Official Rate – Returns historical exchange rates to the official currency at the given date with bid ask.

Get Official Rates – Returns historical exchange rates to the official currency at the given date with bid ask.

Forward Rates

Get Forward Rate – Returns forward contract rates. Forward rates are updated approximately every 2 minutes.

Xignite uses to deliver its streaming market data solutions, but we want to share the usable definitions for their APIs as we profile them, to help our customers leverage their APIs more effectively. You can proxy and stream some of the real time rates listed above, but we just mostly want to make sure these valuable APIs are within reach–we aren’t always profiling APIs that only can be streamed, as we understand our customers needs are bigger than just what our services deliver.

We will work our way through all of the Xignite APIs, profiling and generating Postman Collections. We will publish a separate story for each one, to try and keep similar APIs grouped together. We also prefer making a separate Postman Collection for each path, which makes it easier to pick and choose exactly which API resource you want to execute–not just load them all into Postman. Providing access individual units of API value that you can use in your applications.

**Original source: blog
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