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Microservices As The Default For All Products

We are already API-first at, however, with the latest release of our “Distribute™” solution, we learned a lot about the importance of making sure microservices are the default way we release any new product. This results in us being pretty passionate about containerized microservices being the essential building blocks for all of our products, providing the foundation for what we will need to iterate and evolve upon all the technological solutions we provide you as a company.

The latest Distribute release is currently only available as a set of containerized microservices, which can be deployed in any cloud or on-premise environment, and orchestrated using its default set of APIs. Using Docker Compose you can quickly install Distribute, obtain a demo key, and begin working with the event-driven infrastructure within minutes in any environment. There is no web or desktop interface, just a set of APIs that allow you to manage users, applications, topics, and the other building blocks of the event-driven infrastructure you are deploying on top of your existing APIs.

We’ve made interactive API documentation using OpenAPI (fka Swagger) available by default, as well as a set of Postman Collections within the GitHub repository for Distribute. Providing you what is needed to get up and running with the real-time data delivery solution before we ever begin investing in a user interface, web, or desktop application. This is how we envision all API services operating, as well as the services that augment and power these APIs. All infrastructure in our opinion should be modular, containerized, and easily orchestrated with using a simple set of web APIs, letting our customers decide how they will deploy and seamlessly integrate our event-driven API solutions into their technology.

Now that we’ve released Distribute, we are hard at work on the orchestration layer using Kubernetes. We continue to invest in the microservices way of delivering API tooling alongside your existing infrastructure, allowing you to scale and evolve solutions with the rest of your stack. Once we have invested more energy into our Kubernetes approach, we will get back to refining Distribute, and rolling out additional services using microservices. We embrace the fact that all services should follow a microservices by default approach to providing you with the API-driven infrastructure you need to be successful across your operations, no matter where you operate your APIs–on-premise, in the cloud, on-device, or wherever else you might choose.

**Original source: blog
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