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Five APIs From Tumblr That Have A High StreamRank

Each of the APIs we profile as part of the API Gallery has an OpenAPI definition created for it when we are learn more about what they offer. This is what builds out the listing and detail pages for the gallery, allows us to better understand what each API offers, and help others discover the different APIs that exist across the landscape. Once we have an OpenAPI definition for an API, we load the definition into Postman and begin making calls to each API. When we come across an API that looks like it has a high potential for rapid change, we benchmark the API for a 24-48 hour period, and establish what we call a StreamRank™ for each individual API path.

After we profile each API, we like to publish what we’ve found here on the blog, sharing more insight about what they offer, and the potential for streaming data from each API path that has a high (enough) StreamRank. Today’s API that we’d like to showcase is Tumblr, who “Tumblr is a re-envisioning of tumblelogging, a subset of blogging that uses quick, mixed-media posts. The service hopes to do for the tumblelog what services like LiveJournal and Blogger did for the blog. The difference is that its extreme simplicity will make luring users a far easier task than acquiring users for traditional weblogging. Anytime a user sees something interesting online, they can click a quick ‘Share on Tumblr’ bookmarklet that then tumbles the snippet directly. The result is varied string of media ranging links and text to pictures and videos that takes very little time and effort to maintain.”, and has 5 APIs featured in our StreamRank gallery currently:

Tumblr – Get Blog Base Hostname Followers (OpenAPI) – Retrieves a blog’s followers
Tumblr – Add Blog Base Hostname Add (OpenAPI) – Creates a new video blog post
Tumblr – Get User Dashboard (OpenAPI) – Use this method to retrieve the dashboard that matches the OAuth credentials submitted with the request
Tumblr – Get User Following (OpenAPI) – Use this method to retrieve the blogs followed by the user whose OAuth credentials are submitted with the request
Tumblr – Get User Likes (OpenAPI) – Use this method to retrieve the liked posts that match the OAuth credentials submitted with the request

These APIs have shown to have a significant potential for streaming, and would make sense as having not just as basic request and response APIs, which is valuable, but would also benefit from having an event-driven layer on top of it, including web hook subscriptions, and streaming endpoints. Which highlights the layer of the API space that serves, and demonstrates why we are interested in highlighting these APIs: 1) Getting the attention of the Tumblr, so that they’ll see the potential of using to proxy their APIs, or 2) Getting the attention of Tumblr API consumers so that they’ll see the potential of using to proxy Tumblr APIs and use in their web or mobile applications, as well as for training machine learning models.

You can check out the 5 APIs provided by Tumblr by clicking on the links above, or you can visit the main page for Tumblr where we showcase all of their APIs on Tumblr’s landing page in the API Gallery. We might be adding more of their APIs to our list of StreamRanked APIs, as we continue to benchmark each of their APIs. Also, as we find other interesting aspects of Tumblr’s operations, we’ll be publishing individual stories on the, or the API Evangelist blog, highlighting the interesting things they are doing. If there is an interesting API you think would have a high StreamRank, and isn’t in our API Gallery, feel free to reach out and let us know–we love learning about new API providers, and profiling what it is they do!

AI in Finance White paper - Tumblr Streamrank
**Original source: blog
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