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15 Of The Currency APIs We Have Profiled

As we work our way through the 400+ topics in the API Gallery, we like to showcase some of the more interesting topics when it comes to streaming data using our services. One of the topics we were working through recently was in the area of currencies. We thought the currency APIs area of the gallery was yielding enough results, that we could start highlighting it a little bit more.

To date, we have profile fifteen separate currency APIs endpoint from seven separate entities:

Alpha Vantage – Digital Currencies Daily (OpenAPI) – This API returns the daily historical time series for a digital currency (e.g., BTC) traded on a specific market (e.g., CNY/Chinese Yuan), refreshed daily at midnight (UTC). Prices and volumes are quoted in both the market-specific currency and USD.
Alpha Vantage – Digital Currencies Intraday (OpenAPI) – This API returns the realtime intraday time series (in 5-minute intervals) for any digital currency (e.g., BTC) traded on a specific market (e.g., CNY/Chinese Yuan). Prices and volumes are quoted in both the market-specific currency and USD.
Alpha Vantage – Digital Currencies Monthly (OpenAPI) – This API returns the monthly historical time series for a digital currency (e.g., BTC) traded on a specific market (e.g., CNY/Chinese Yuan), refreshed daily at midnight (UTC). Prices and volumes are quoted in both the market-specific currency and …
Alpha Vantage – Digital Currencies Weekly (OpenAPI) – This API returns the weekly historical time series for a digital currency (e.g., BTC) traded on a specific market (e.g., CNY/Chinese Yuan), refreshed daily at midnight (UTC). Prices and volumes are quoted in both the market-specific currency and USD.
Eventbrite – Get Checkout Settings Countries Currencies (OpenAPI) (Postman) – Get the countries and currencies which are supported by Eventbrite for ticket payment
Open FinTech – List of currencies (OpenAPI) (Postman) – Returns all available currencies.
Open FinTech – Currency by ID (OpenAPI) (Postman) – Returns currency with specific ID.
Reverb – Get Currencies Display (OpenAPI) (Postman) – List of supported display currencies for browsing listings
Reverb – Get Currencies Listing (OpenAPI) (Postman) – List of supported listing currencies for shops
Taxamo – Currencies (OpenAPI) (Postman) – Currencies.
Xero – Get Currencies (OpenAPI) (Postman) – Get currencies.
Xero – Put Currencies (OpenAPI) (Postman) – Put currencies.
Xero – X-related-model Currencies (OpenAPI) (Postman) – X-related-model currencies.
Xignite – List Active Currencies (OpenAPI) – List supported currencies.
Xignite – List Currencies (OpenAPI) – List currencies.

What we find interesting about the way the API gallery discovers its topics, is that it doesn’t just consider what an API is named by the provider, it takes into consideration the path, tags, and other metadata that tends to be a little more honest when it comes to what an API does. We have several straight currency APIs from Alpha Vantage and Xignite, but some of the others by Reverb and Zero start touching on alternate use cases for currency APIs.

You can view the Currency topic in the API Gallery through the website. You can also pragmatically integrate with the repository using its API discovery document, or fork the entire repository using Github. As part of each APIs index, you should be able to find details of the API provider, including OpenAPI, and Postman Collections for each API when possible. Currencies is just one of over 400 topics we have organized our APIs into as part of the API Gallery.

AI in Finance White paper - Currency APIs

**Original source: blog
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