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Women in Tech: a series for Women’s History Month

Women in tech at Axway

Celebrated annually on March 8th, International Women’s Day (IWD) — which falls during Women’s History Month as observed in the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia — highlights the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women around the world.

Originating in 1911, IWD further draws attention to important issues within the women’s rights movement, including gender parity in the workplace, technical careers, healthcare, and sports.  

Axway is committed to a mission of increasing gender parity in our workplace as part of our Corporate and Social Responsibility goals by reducing the gender compensation gap and seeking to increase our headcount of women on staff to 33% by the end of 2023.

With an additional 2023 goal of sponsoring four local programs supporting female students in technical career paths, Axway has partnered with programs such as Elles Bougent in France and Arizona State University’s Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) in the US.

Inspired by the incredible women working at Axway and in honor of IWD 2023, we created the Women in Tech series: four interviews with women working around the world to share their perspectives on working in tech, the opportunities provided to them, and ways to encourage even more women to join the STEM-related fields. 

Each of these videos will be published throughout the month of March and will be added below as they go live. For now, start here with Astrid Fischer and Valentina Petrache:






We want to thank Astrid, Valentina, Apurva, and Daniela for sharing their stories with us and helping to encourage their fellow women in tech, as well as those who may be interested in a technical career.

These women are just a few of the hundreds of incredible women who help make Axway a great place to work, grow, and succeed.  

Want to join a dynamic, inclusive workplace? Find jobs at Axway here.

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