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iPhone’s 10th anniversary: Axway surveys consumers to find the future of smartphones

the future of smartphones

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” Charles Darwin 1809.
Since the initial introduction of what many describe to be the first “traditional” smartphone, The Simon in 1993, smartphones have gone through a revolutionary transformation over the years, tearing through industries, reshaping businesses and products / services in their paths and best of all, changing our day-to-day lives for the better.
With the growing speed of technological advancement, Smartphones have become the essential components of our daily performance. As the whole world is experiencing the transformation in this digital era, our needs become more sophisticated.
Shipments for smartphones are expected to reach almost 1.9 billion by 2018, a tenfold increase from the number of shipments in 2009. This means that in 2017, an estimated 31 percent of the world’s population will have a smartphone, a figure that was at less than 10 percent in 2011.
The revolutionary iPhone is celebrating 10th anniversary this week. Axway has taken this opportunity to partner with global research firm RDI to conduct a consumer survey that examined the role smartphones play in our lives and how consumers would like to see the smartphone evolve in future. The survey of 1,200 U.S. smartphone owners was fielded online and respondents were screened to ensure they own a smartphone and are between the ages of 18 and 60.
The results provide interesting insights – and a few surprises – as brands look to continue to enhance the mobile experience. The results range from security to battery life to lifestyle revealing compelling stats around what owners are doing on their smartphones and the importance of mobile experiences. Here is a Press Release that was published this week with a detailed analysis of the results and predictions for the future based on these results.
To meet the growing needs of the consumer and to survive and thrive among the competition, smartphones are going to get even smarter in the future. What’s more, they’re going to change the way we experience the actual world, transforming our surroundings into an ever-connected, informational environment.
Steve Jobs said back in 2007 “Today Apple reinvents the phone” and he was right. For those who feel some nostalgy on Steve Job’s keynotes, below the replay of the iPhone introduction ten years ago.

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And to really understand how visionary he was back then, below a funny video of Microsoft’s former CEO, Steve Ballmer, on this announcement:

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