Application Integration

Payroll flow integration with the AMPLIFY Platform Service Mesh

payroll integration flow

The first integration flow at Axway Australia was a simple payroll use case that allowed us to trial the integration of the Platform with our AMPLIFY Platform Service Mesh.

READ MORE: AMPLIFY Central Mesh Governance is Here… But, What’s a Service Mesh?

Use Case

A payroll department wishes to pay employees stored in their on-prem database by using a payment service that initiates instant payments with the NPP (Australia’s real-time payments platform). Each employee is to receive an email notification after they have been paid. One more email is sent to the payroll manager once the job is completed.

This use case was chosen as it is simple and familiar across all organizations.


Employee Service: An on-prem microservice that provides access to an Employee database. This was developed using API Builder which provided an interface to a Mongo-DB datastore containing employee details. The microservice is hosted in the service mesh and is available in the Unified Catalog. A Custom Connector was created in the Integration Builder.

Payment Service: An on-prem microservice providing a simplified interface to Australia’s NPP payment network (uses a sandbox environment hosted by NPP). This was developed with API Builder which utilized a swagger from NPP. The microservice is hosted in the service mesh and is available in the Unified Catalog. A Custom Connector was created in Integration Builder.

READ MORE: How to install and configure an API Builder data connector.

Outlook: A cloud connector provided by Integration Builder. An instance was created using our Axway account.

Integration Builder Flow

The flow performed the following tasks:

  1. Retrieved all Employees and their salary details via the Employee Service.
  2. For each employee:
    • Construct Payment Body (Javascript)
    • Send Instant Payment to Payment Service (Connector API Request)
    • Construct Email Body (Javascript)
    • Send Email to Employee using Outlook (Connector API Request)
  1. Create Completion Email Body (Javascript).
  2. Send Email to Payroll Manager using Outlook (Connector API Request)

Learn more about the Axway Integration Builder—Scheduled Triggered Flow Example.